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Celebrate and Give

Most fundraising comes from personal donations.

The four most common are:

  • leaving a legacy
  • pledging gifts from an anniversary or event
  • pledging your birthday
  • regular monthly donations by standing order

Please consider one or more of those as it’s so easy to help:

Leaving a legacy

Many people die without leaving a will, and many people wish that their money could go to a good cause. At that difficult time, when you do have to write your will, please remember us.

If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy, please give us a call on 020 8287 8169 for a no-strings-attached chat.

You can also email legacy@africanvision.org.uk or write to us at 31 Upper Brighton Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 6QX

You can also find useful information on leaving a gift in your will in the following PDF brochure:

Legacy Brochure


Many thanks!

Pledging gifts from an anniversary or event

As we get older we often have the opportunity to receive gifts which we really do not need and where the money is needed so much more elsewhere. People often do not know what to buy for wedding anniversaries or feel obliged to buy flowers for other events such as funerals. Pledging this money instead to African Vision Malawi will make a world of difference to people who are destitute. Your gift can be turned into the gift of life.

Pledging your birthday

This year, consider asking your friends and family to donate the money instead to help the cause of your choice. This can be as simple as an online donation or we can help you create your own campaign, for example to build a well, on BT MyDonate.

Regular monthly donations

These are the lifeblood of the charity and allows African Vision Malawi to continue its vital work supporting the orphans and vulnerable, leading them to a position self-sufficiency. Only £2 a month will ensure that one child receives safe, clean drinking water. If you have online banking, it is a simple matter to set up a regular payment through your banking website or app. Any problems, contact us!

Gift Aid

Please download and send us a Gift Aid form here to further support our work at no cost to you.

Other ideas:

You can buy a gift for our Malawi friends from our online Shop.

You can sponsor a secondary school student and make a real difference to an individual's future.

Our work